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Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Solar Home System

Yenni Afrida, Fitriono Fitriono, Bayu Setiabudi


New and renewable energy sources in the future will increasingly have a very important role in meeting energy needs. In 2020, in Lampung province there are still areas that have not yet had electricity, one of which is Rawajitu Timur Subdistrict, Tulang Bawang Regency, where the community uses a Diesel Power Plant which is used by the crowd as lighting at night. So to get a more efficient source of electricity and utilize solar energy as a new and renewable energy, it is necessary to design a solar power plant, the Solar Home System (SHS). The methodology in this design is to create and test tools based on needs with 50 Wp SHS power. Making starts from the design and assembly followed by testing with variable changes in light intensity. Retrieval of data from this design as much as 4 times with the best results, namely 44.27 watts with a voltage of 14.5 volts and a current of 3.26 amperes during sunny weather with a measured light intensity of 1.293lumens. The energy source used by SHS is obtained free of charge and is available in largequantities


New and renewable energy, PLTS, Solar Home System, Light Intensity, Solar Cells

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36269/jtr.v2i1.400


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