Rancang Bangun System Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Keypad dan RFID Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560
he door is a very important tool in a house, office and room. Because the door is the first layer to protect the contents of the room, because it must have a door security system. Doors have a variety of models in the key types as we know in ancient times the key shape of the keyhole is quite large and also supported by the key that is quite large, it also does not escape from criminal acts such as key suppositions that occur frequently. In the modern world digital technology is developing very rapidly, a lot of automation has been developed, doors that are usually opened and closed manually can be made possible to automate so that it can facilitate various human activities and also be equipped with a security system protected by passwords, if we want to enter the door we must know the password first or by using the ID tag tap. With increasingly developing technology the author tries to apply the technology in automating a door. One of them is the System to Open the Automatic Gate Door Cover Using a Keypad and RFID with the Arduino Mega 2560 Module
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.36269/jtr.v2i1.398
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